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INFUSE Artist Development Summer Residency


After an incredibly successful Spring Residency led by Chris Evans, INFUSE returns in the Summer for another week of high quality artist development.

New practitioner, same location, same intention: world class artistic training for established practitioners at accessible prices.

Join the waiting list for INFUSE 2 here:

Read more about Infuse Spring Residency below

Movement & Devising with Chris Evans

The inaugural INFUSE residency kicks off with international performer, deviser and creator Chris Evans

Chris has been at the forefront of contemporary physical theatre and movement practice for the past decade. Founding member of Hofesh Schecter, a long time collaborator with Ben Duke’s Lost Dog, and a central collaborator to Gecko Theatre.

INFUSE your practice, joining Chris Evans in a week long deep dive and creative exploration into methods for developing movement, devising, creating character and theatrical moments.

Through navigation of different modes of making, participants will embark on an uplifting and collaborative week of investigating movement language.

INFUSE seeks to add new resources to your toolbox, enhancing your practice and so you will be encouraged to interrogate, share, adapt as well as absorb and transform the work.

Across the residency expect to be nurtured, uplifted and challenged in your creative practice and ultimately energised in your artistic decision making.

25 June

PROPEL Summer Residency

19 August

INFUSE Artist Development Second Summer Residency